About Us

SAL was founded in 1997 by former Sheriff Don Horsley with the purpose of strengthening relationships between youth, deputies, and communities to aid in the intervention and prevention of juvenile delinquency in San Mateo County through positive, dynamic programs. The program was in North Fair Oaks and had a small presence on the coast, serving approximately 1,000 youth per year. In 2009, former Sheriff Greg Munks expanded the SAL program to 12 locations throughout the county, increased deputy support, and established a community policing substation that was a permanent home for SAL programs. The program grew to serve approximately 3,500 youth per year.

Today, under the leadership of Sheriff Christina Corpus, the SAL program continues to thrive, and we have served over 11,000 youth per year in programs, presentations, and special events throughout San Mateo County. SAL also has safe programming space on the coast in Pescadero! In light of events in 2015, President Obama called for law enforcements agencies to engage in community policing to build relationships with their communities. The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office, thanks to our leadership, has been engaged in community policing practices for over 20 years and continues to be a progression organization that adapts to the needs of our communities.

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About Us

Board of Directors

Dr. Victor Aenlle

San Mateo County Sheriff's Office

Steve Booker

IBEW 617

James Brown

West Coast Security Inc.

Robert Foucrault

Coroner - San Mateo County

Jaime Gonzalez

Real Estate Broker

Jerome Madigan

Minister and Realtor

Adam Patterson

Tesla Security Intelligence

Steve Wagstaffe

District Attorney, San Mateo County

SAL Staff


Maggie Cornejo

Executive Director

Mason Lok

Director of Programs

SAL Staff

Emily O'Donnell

Program Coordinator

Breanna Rivera


Sophia Mollogon


Kyra Lim Ghandi


Destiny Cortez


Priscyla Avalos


Edgar Rangel

Program Coordinator

Luis runs lunchtime soccer and soccer programs in various schools in the community.  

Luis Rangel

Program Coordinator

Andrea Capristo


Community Policing

Deputy Joaquin Moreno

School Resource Officer

Deputy David Dominguez

School Resource Officer

Deputy James Hajik

School Resource Office

Deputy Andrea Dion

School Resource Officer


Therapy K9


Therapy K9


Therapy K9

Deputy Danielle Martinez

School Resource Officer

Community Engagement Unit

Community policing is a philosophy that promotes police and community partnerships with a problem-solving approach that is responsive to the needs of the community.

A bond of respect and trust between the people and their law enforcement allows for an environment where a cooperative effort to solves problems results.

By working together, law enforcement and the community can reduce the fear and incidence of crime and improve the quality of life in neighborhoods countywide. Some of the programs offered through the Community Policing Unit are listed to the right.

For more information or questions, please contact the Community Policing Sergeant Sal Zuno at 650-257-3405.

  • Advisory Meetings
  • Career Days
  • Car Seat Installations
  • Child Fingerprinting Details
  • Community Festivals and Fairs
  • Field Trips
  • Gang Workshops
  • Movie Nights
  • Neighborhood Watch Groups
  • Play Streets
  • Summer Assemblies
  • School Events
  • STAR Camp

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